
Callouts 是 Obsidian 中增强显示的工具,丰富了原始 Markdown 中具备的标签。

本文主要介绍如何将 Callouts 移植到 Hugo 中,使得本地 Obsidian 预览结果和 Hugo 渲染出来的 Callouts Block 具备一致的效果.


  • 增加可折叠
  • 修复嵌套时样式被覆盖
Nginx:使用 RTMP 模块进行直播

HLS 是最常见的视频流媒体协议,HLS 是一种自适应流媒体技术,可以根据用户的设备和网络条件对播放媒体内容,以获得最佳播放性能。

借助 Nginx RTMP 模块,为服务器添加 RTMP 和 HLS流 直播功能。

Hugo & Obsidian 联动

使用最好的笔记管理软件 Obsidian 进行笔记整理和论文阅读记录,使用 Hugo 将这些内容进行渲染,使用 Git 作为多机器版本控制工具,最终发布到自己的网站,便于查看。


CodeCrunch: Improving Serverless Performance via Function Compression and Cost-Aware Warmup Location Optimization

该论文是来自Northeastern University的Rohan Basu Roy的工作,发表于ASPLOS ‘24上。

Abstract:Serverless computing has a critical problem of function cold starts. To minimize cold starts, state-of-the-art techniques predict function invocation times to warm them up. Warmedup functions occupy space in memory and incur a keep-alive cost, which can become exceedingly prohibitive under bursty load. To address this issue, we design CodeCrunch, which introduces the concept of serverless function compression and exploits server heterogeneity to make serverless computing more efficient, especially under high memory pressure.

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Containers in HPC: A survey

本文是 Rafael Keller Tesser 发表在 The Journal of Supercomputing 2023 上的综述。

Abstract: OS-level virtualization (containers) has become a popular alternative to hypervisor-based virtualization. From a system-administration point-of-view, containers enable support for user-defined software stacks, thus freeing users of restrictions imposed by the host’s pre-configured software environment. In high performance computing (HPC), containers inspire special interest due to their potentially low overheads on performance. Moreover, they also bring benefits in portability and scientific reproducibility. Despite the potential advantages, the adoption of containers in HPC has been relatively slow, mainly due to specific requirements of the field. These requirements gave rise to various HPC-focused container implementations. Besides unprivileged container execution, they offer different degrees of automation of system-specific optimizations, which are necessary for optimal performance. When we looked into the scientific literature on containers applied to HPC, we were unable to find an up-to-date overview of the state-of-the-art. For this reason, we developed this extensive survey, including 93 carefully selected works. Overall, based on our survey, we argue that issues related to performance overhead are mostly solved. There is, however, a clear trade-off between performance and portability, since optimal performance often depends on host-specific optimizations. A few works propose solutions to mitigate this issue, but there is still room for improvement. Besides, we found surprisingly few works that deal with portability between dedicated HPC systems and public cloud platforms.

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由于历史原因,最原始的 http 里面 put 允许不经过验证机制匿名上传文件,造成了大规模的恶意攻击事件,因此很多 old-fashioned 扫描人员会直接报告说支持 put, delete, options 就是不安全。

因此要么强制 https,防火墙和扫描就无法知道请求的 method 具体是什么;要么在 nginx 中配置put和delete方法的转发。

Git Notebook

Git Bash

对于Windows系统,需要将 Git bash 加入Terminal,方便Hugo等等的使用。

其路径在 C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe ,直接在Terminal的配置界面加入即可。

rFaaS: Enabling High Performance Serverless with RDMA and Leases

本文是来自ETH的Marcin Copik在IPDPS’ 23上发表的工作。

Abstract: High performance is needed in many computing systems, from batch-managed supercomputers to general-purpose cloud platforms. However, scientific clusters lack elastic parallelism, while clouds cannot offer competitive costs for highperformance applications. In this work, we investigate how modern cloud programming paradigms can bring the elasticity needed to allocate idle resources, decreasing computation costs and improving overall data center efficiency. Function-as-aService (FaaS) brings the pay-as-you-go execution of stateless functions, but its performance characteristics cannot match coarse-grained cloud and cluster allocations. To make serverless computing viable for high-performance and latency-sensitive applications, we present rFaaS, an RDMA-accelerated FaaS platform. We identify critical limitations of serverless - centralized scheduling and inefficient network transport - and improve the FaaS architecture with allocation leases and microsecond invocations. We show that our remote functions add only negligible overhead on top of the fastest available networks, and we decrease the execution latency by orders of magnitude compared to contemporary FaaS systems. Furthermore, we demonstrate the performance of rFaaS by evaluating real-world FaaS benchmarks and parallel applications. Overall, our results show that new allocation policies and remote memory access help FaaS applications achieve high performance and bring serverless computing to HPC.

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SCSS Notebook

为了解决 CSS 本身的缺点:

  • 语法不够强大,不能够嵌套书写,难以表达样式逻辑
  • 没有变量和逻辑上的复用机制,难以维护

诞生了一系列的 CSS 预处理器 Sass, Stylus, Less。



  • 中文文档:
  • 英文文档:
  • CSS转Scss:
  • Scss转CSS:
Numpywren: Serverless linear algebra

本文是来自MIT的Vaishaal Shankar, Karl Krauth, Kailas Vodrahalli, Qifan Pu, Benjamin Recht, Ion Stoica, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Eric Jonas, Shivaram Venkataraman等人发表于SoCC‘ 20的工作。

Abstract: Datacenter disaggregation provides numerous benefits to both the datacenter operator and the application designer. However switching from the server-centric model to a disaggregated model requires developing new programming abstractions that can achieve high performance while benefiting from the greater elasticity. To explore the limits of datacenter disaggregation, we study an application area that near-maximally benefits from current server-centric datacenters: dense linear algebra. We build NumPyWren, a system for linear algebra built on a disaggregated serverless programming model, and LAmbdaPACK, a companion domain-specific language designed for serverless execution of highly parallel linear algebra algorithms. We show that, for a number of linear algebra algorithms such as matrix multiply, singular value decomposition, Cholesky decomposition, and QR decomposition, NumPyWren’s performance (completion time) is within a factor of 2 of optimized server-centric MPI implementations, and has up to 15% greater compute efficiency (total CPU-hours), while providing fault tolerance.

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